About 60% of the World is Actually Dead – What the World Would have Been if we Resurrect 

Evolutionists’ have tried their very best and all other scientists including Linnaeus and Aristotle whose research was not mainly on evolution, but taxation. Unarguably, taxation has done so much for latter day scientists. 

Classifying thousands of species of plants and animals in their respective genres right from kingdom to species. And interestingly, even today, modern botanists have dug beyond species level to further cultivars. Thus even in the sativa species for example, we still have different cultivars amongst them. Cytogenetics have also played a very important role in today’s science especially in plant breeding. Animals equally do, but the case of denaturing the true form of the Order of life has hindered such actions in the case of animals  especially humans. 

Humankind have come from afar and no doubt we’ve gone through millennium changes as species who evolved from Mammalia. Humankind existence on earth is not to just live, but quest. Other things are favours done us by the creator.

I do not wish that you judge this write-up based on my religious affiliation because I do not even know well my religion. Neither do I wish that you judge it by aligning its weakness to my teacher(s). Well, these are just thoughts that goes in my mind everytime. I sure have done no atom of research on this because I often love writing from deep inside of me – communication with my inner self 

About 60% of the world’s population are dead. Often, people get irritated when I make this comment. Man is not on earth to grow physically alone. But we’re supposed to build our spiritual capacity well. Spiritually, many people are ‘walking-dead’ though they think of themselves alive. I do not blame them for they have lost trail of the whole journey. 

We all have in a way or the other have been taught self-realization in school. But as I’ve already talked more on self in my previous blog posts, I shall dwell much on training the heart to love today with respect to self-realization. Yes, you will agree with me that the concept of self has been drastically narrowed down in our academic syllabus. Teachers are not made to teach it as it should be. But nonetheless, self is a lifetime adventure that can not be estimated. 

Until one undergoes self-realization, the person will live in constant wander and doubt. It is not a problem, but just how long you remain in this condition is what matters. Millions of people couldn’t reach the station that was meant for them due to inability to truly know who they really are. First, the ‘I’ in you must be created. Then collectively your internal self should be willing to accept the ‘I’ as you. It goes through series of stages. As in a book written by myself which is yet to be published, I stated that “Self-realization  is  the  freeing  of  the  soul,  mind  and  heart  from  the  nuisance  of  the  outside  world and  concentrating  on  the  within  to  know  your  inner  self  (i.e.  the  ‘me’  in  you)  – Zakaria Abdul Hakim  Genius

 In the quest of finding yourself, you need to suspend your soul in cosmos to freely move without distractions. All the elements that support our intuition were created specially in pure pool of pearls.  But once you still have not reached the station of being self-realized, the heart and mind act based on any incoming element from the outside world. But as you grow you need to climb higher than that stage.

The first thing after being self-realized is that you will be free from hatred, envy and all sorts of negativities. Your heart would be pure without a doubt. Our parents have done marvelously well in conceiving and grooming us. They are sometimes not aware that they indirectly guide us to realize ourselves. But they forever must be commended for their tireless efforts to see us grow.

Unfortunately, our parents in one way or another forgot a very key element. They forgot to tell us that LOVE is the Key to the world’s solution. They forgot to tell us to love even when we are forsaken by the very people we trusted. If every one kind of the Homo Sapiens lived a life without treachery, hatred, betrayal, envy et al, the world would have been violence-free. The world would have been a paradise to everyone no matter their status quo. If our parents taught us to love and help even when our help is not appreciated, we would have died only to meet God who would be overwhelmed by us and boastfully praise us before HIS Holy Angels. 

In order to have peaceful coexistence, there needs to be tolerance amongst us. Tolerance is one of the most difficult things to do. Pretending you’ve not seen, felt, heard the wrong done you. But surely after every hardship comes forth relieve. If all of us were tolerant, Satan would have lived in shame and disappointment.

 Many friendships, family bonds, relationships, have broken due to misunderstanding. Does mankind think after bringing us to this world  God would not test us? All odds in life were meant to shape us. All the disappointments in our lives were meant to test us. To drive us towards the citadel of excellence. In both Quran and biblical context, we have seen how temprous Prophet Moses [PBUH] used to be. His temper denied him that singular honour of following the honoured learned of that time to reap all the fruits of knowledge. Temper would only tear up our flesh and place something like a monster in us who harms us. 

Many relationships got unhealthy due to lack of patience. A human should sometimes make a fool out of him/herself in order to create a serene environment. You do not have to pay for being tolerant or giving out love… Life is a quest of new discovery. Once you keep diving in the pool of finding who you really are, it would come to a point that you don’t know what they call an enemy. For you’ve left all worldliness behind you and all you are yearning for is Allah (God)… I’m not saying don’t get angry, Just try to train your heart in a way that it can contain the pain till the outside world gets calmed.

I grew up to be known to many in my locality as quick tempered. I was the type who would never leave a stone unturned. I would react to whatever pain you had caused me even if I don’t have strength to fight back. I would rather die by your hand than sit behind. In later years, one incident which I am ready to share today, changed me. I prayed to God to release me from the shackles of anger. Thanks to my maker, I was redeemed. And proudly I don’t remember ever having a misunderstanding between myself and someone. I have learnt to stay patient and tolerant. I’ve learnt to swallow the fire in me, lest it cause threat to the outside world. It is not that I too can’t become angry, it is just that all I was taught my whole life is to give love at all costs… I equally have lost many friends in 2017 maybe because of my foolishness and selfishness, but I was ready to change though they didn’t listen to me after all.

Despite my tolerance, I shall forsake any union that would not drive me towards my desired destination. A union that would not remind me of Allah(God). I tried all of yesterday to write a new year message, but at the end I refused to post it. Because the people reading it do not even understand what they’re reading, because you are not just writing for writing sake. You are writing what God HIMSELF whispered to you.

For all we ever were told, that we are sons and daughters of the poorest, but we should not envy over the royals who dine with golden cups. I call myself a ‘nonentity’ always, knowing who I am. But I know where I am heading for. I give love hoping that one day the world in which I live would know the difference between LOVE and LUST.

May God’s endless favours rain upon you in torrents. May HE fulfil Yoir dreams and guide you towards w better you. May peace and love ever rain upon the world. Happy New Year from the world’s last born. Your humble servant; The linguist to the ancestors who remains a proud sweeper of the African hut. Shalom! 

©January 1, 2018 Abdul Hakim Genius 

Please, any critique should be made in the comment box. But in as much as you criticize, try to give recommendations or solutions. Thank you! 

8 thoughts on “About 60% of the World is Actually Dead – What the World Would have Been if we Resurrect 

  1. Great one bro. Kindly check this line for the spelling of “mellenniun” . . . Humankind have come from afar and no doubt we’ve gone through mellenium changes as species who evolved from Mammalia.


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